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15305605250 -86+


تم تسجيل VICUT في عام 2013 ، ويركز على الأسواق الخارجية ، ويهدف إلى توفير معدات قطع رقمية عالية المستوى للإعلان والتعبئة والتغليف والطباعة ووضع العلامات وإشارات المرور والصناعات الرسومية والمكتبية ، لتوفير حلول ميسورة التكلفة للمستخدمين دون التضحية بالخيارات أو الوظيفة .
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ما هي مزايا آلة القطع المسطحة الرقمية؟

تصفح الكمية:80     الكاتب:محرر الموقع     نشر الوقت: 2023-04-10      المنشأ:محرر الموقع


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Digital flatbed cutter can be used for both cutting and plotting, so they are often called flatbed cutting and plotting machines. The digital flatbed cutter is the ideal tool for tasks that require high precision and processing of medium-weight materials. Our flatbed cutting plotter FC500VC has an effective cutting area of 495x685mm and FC700VC has an effective cutting area of 790x1085mm. what are the advantages of a digital flatbed cutter?

Here is the content list:

  • Multiple cuts and indentations

  • One-touch repeat function.

  • Continuous cutting

  • Low labor intensity

  • High adaptability

  • Reverse cutting or increasing

  • Compatible with the operating system

Digital flatbed cutter

Multiple cuts and indentations

For some hard/thick materials, one cut or indentation with the digital flatbed cutter is not enough. It needs 2-3 times to get good cutting or creasing results. Digital flatbed cutter cutting and creasing can be operated separately to be able to achieve better cutting or creasing results.

One-touch repeat function.

For the same job, just change the paper, press "Return to Origin" and then press "Repeat" to make the digital flatbed cutter repeat the job. People without skills can easily run the digital flatbed cutter.

Continuous cutting

If two or more sheets need to be processed, the user can change the first sheet while the digital flatbed cutter is cutting the second sheet, saving the time of changing sheets. Therefore, the digital flatbed cutter has the feature of continuous cutting.

Low labor intensity

Since digital flatbed cutter adopts automatic control method, which means the whole process of processing is done by a CNC system. Not as tedious as the traditional means of processing, the operator only needs to monitor the operation status of the digital flatbed cutter when working on the CNC machine. So, the labor intensity is very low.

High adaptability

A digital flatbed cutter CNC processing system is like a computer, you can adjust some of the parameters to reach modify or change its operation. So, the range of digital flatbed cutter processing can be greatly expanded and highly adaptable.

Reverse cutting or increasing

This work is necessary for professional users who always prefer perfect results. The digital flatbed cutter can perform this function. The digital flatbed cutter can cut materials such as kraft paper, white cardboard, chicken skin paper, some thin PVC sheets and plastic films up to 500 grams. The cutting surface of the digital flatbed cutter cutting material is smooth and easy to cut. Also, long knife design, designed for use with materials of different thicknesses.

Compatible with the operating system

VICUT Vulcan series digital flatbed cutter can support both Windows and Mac operating systems. And static adsorption, safe and noiseless, suitable for offices that need quiet.

ANHUI WILLIAM CNC TECHNOLOGY is a professional Chinese supplier engaged in the research, development, production, sales, and service of digital flatbed cutters. And we have our own manufacturing base and official license for import and export business. By the end of 2021, we have partners in more than 80 countries worldwide. Welcome to join us.

ANHUI WILLIAM CNC TECHNOLOGY هو مورد صيني محترف يعمل في مجال البحث والتطوير والإنتاج والبيع والخدمة لآلات قطع القوالب الرقمية ، ولدينا قاعدة تصنيع خاصة بنا وترخيص رسمي لأعمال التصدير والاستيراد.

روابط سريعة

معلومات الاتصال

هاتف: 15305605250-86+
بريد إلكتروني: vicutcnc@vicut.cn
هاتف:65774134- 551- 86+
العنوان: الطابق السادس عشر ، المبنى 2 ، حديقة غابات فيينا ، خفي ، الصين
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